
A represents a single channel that can be viewed in real time using the internet. The screen within can be used for viewing the Live Stream, obtaining embed codes, and starting / stopping the stream. For configuring Live Streams see Live Streaming section in the Location Settings chapter.

Record Enabled Show ><

Clicking on the name of a stream in the list on the left side of the screen will display that stream's details on the right side of the screen. The stream details has three tabs available, each of which is described below.

WatchWill load the Live Stream Player. Click the Play button in the video player to watch the stream.
EmbedDisplays the embed code that can be copied and pasted to embed the Live Stream Player in another website.
LogDisplays logs about when the stream has been started and stopped, and by what user.

Starting and Stopping

A button is located in the top right of a Live Streams detail screen that can be used to / the stream depending on its current state. The button will be red and read when the Live Stream is currently streaming. The button will be blue and read when the Live Stream is currently stopped. Clicking / will change the state of the stream.