Restore Workflow

A Restore Workflow will move playback assets from an archive File Store to a primary playback File Store. This workflow will search the Schedule, looking 7 days ahead, for any assets that are not on the associated primary playback server. The workflow will copy the asset if it is available on any archive File Store. The Restore Workflow can be used in conjunction with the Archive Workflow to effectively move assets on and off the primary video playback servers as needed.

Creating/Editing/Deleting Restore Workflow

Restore Workflow Edit><

To Edit or Create a new Restore Workflow

  1. Enter a name for your workflow
  2. Select Restore Playback Assets type
  3. Toggled the Enabled state.
  4. Click Save to save the new workflow.

To Delete the Restore Workflow, click the Delete button.

Note: Only one Restore Workflow can be created. The Restore Workflow can be Enabled and Disabled.